Saturday, July 31, 2010

To Compare or Not...This is the question

I was going to write a post about my long lost crush but then i jumped on facebook (the one hobby, I CANT understand why i still indulge in............I constantly complain its boring yet sign in like its my job on the regular smh) and discovered that someone i know had just done something big, really big......Was i happy for her?......Very!......Was I jealous?.............No! Did the monster that is called inadequacy rear its head........yes...........more like bit me in the butt..............I remember how before i got to professional school, I used to tell people, just do yourself, its good enough....yada yada yada.........and that was my mantra which i suppose was all well and good since myself in undergrad was a super star........................'throws blazer in the crowd for fans' heeheeeheee and then i got to Professional school and to say I was the class dunce is to insult other class dunces around the world.....................i wont bore you with the many details of my struggle but let it suffice to say i would wake up in the middle of the night sometimes to check my grades for the TENTH time because i was convinced i had been having a nightmare...........................So to be surrounded by superstars when your one is be surrounded by them when your NOT...................errr not quite...........................I used to be embarrased to talk to my classmates because i felt like such a loser.......i became a mini eagle......if i should spot a shadowy figure in the distance that MIGHT be one of them, i would sharpishly JUMP into the nearest stair well or elevator, i became so good that i would sense them from behind, jump into an elevator and sharply................very sharply press close and run away...............who is James Bond......hisss.................. but err after a while girls were tired oh....kilode........

No moral of my story here live and you learn not and times will keep you humble........people tell me your so smart, your going to be a (insert lawyer, doctor/ pharmacist at this point) and i shake my head...........if you only knew......anyhoo's ........................proper post to follow* .................And that's all folks

* Go me.......Go me........'doing makossa dance' i have now joined those who say proper post to follow..................... :)


  1. LOL...ur funny! far as professional school goes...I've been there, I know the feeling oh so God's grace u'll come out successful!

  2. Thank you dear.......appreciate it oh.....and Amen........
