Friday, July 23, 2010

New Me :)

So its this easy to create a blog.......... Abajo* that the masses blog......heehee....i kid, actually, i over analyze everything and i always thought it must be so hard to create a blog and all and for like a year i thought about it, admired the 'super techy smart' bloggers who could actually create anything.......and today while i should be studying for professional school exams, i decided to create a blog.........and i wonder why other people win prizes for academic excellence smh......:)

How do people discover your blog and follow?? I assume my blog will be unfollowed for a while and is destined for blogger mediocrity (sobs uncontrollably...............) so no super snazzy give aways.............'distributes apology cards to future readers if any.

So things i assume about this blog:

1)I shall be the only one reading it for a while...........yaaaaay me :) but if you do arrive welcome!!

2)I shall probably be eventually discovered...hopefully later than sooner for the mere fact that i have friends who blog, dont know i know they blog and it took me all of 5 minutes to decipher they were the ones.............'those blurry pictures- errrrr not quite effective if your current brazilian weave is displayed in all its glory.......;)

3) this darling ol' blog shalt probably never EVER gain the adulation, praise and hilarity that was the portion of people like 'fine boy' who i still miss and wish i could verify his an agape Jesus loves you type way of course' evil or lustful thoughts.....heeheee.............adjusts halo

4)You shall learn about me from this blog.........but just so you know....I love Jesus so no esoteric philosophical theories, i read a lot and do have my doubts and questions, i have no raunchy sex stories (cleans dust off self as all her would be 'hot blooded male fans depart :( ......................and i play around a lot.............:)

5)Oh and if it helps, i'm Nigerian........i know i know....arent there any other African nations out there..........i constantly check maps to confirm and shake my fist at British Colonial Masters.....what can i say...........:)

6) i realize conflict is an unavoidable part of life, religion, politics, relationships, name it........but no viscous posts or comments please............we cant all agree unfortunately..............

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogsville! The best way to get followers is to follow other blogs and leave comments! Hope u enjoy ur stay :-)
